Combain Location API
CPS - The Combain Location Service
Welcome to Combain Location API, see how it works here. We are backward compatible with other geolocation APIs such as Google, Mozilla Location Service and others. Switching to Combain Location API (CPS) is easy, just change to your API key and URL as described below. For full Combain Location API features like fallback control you should consult this API documentation.
NOTE: Our WiFi positioning service for outdoor wide area positioning for new customers via prepaid credits has been discontinued. Please contact us for more information if you are interested in such WiFi positioning service.
Our Combain Indoor Location service utilizes both WiFi and Bluetooth beacons. If you are interested in enhancing your indoor location accuracy, we have the tools in our Combain Indoor Suite. Contact us for more information.
To minimize transfered data, use our original HTTP GET CPS API, often refered to as v1. Click here for the v1 specification, CPS Original API specification.
Try it out
Below are different example requests for Cell, WiFi and Bluetooth positioning. Click through the list and find your use case. Leaving the API Key field blank will show example requests.
To make requests using your own API key paste in your API key and your request data, in the same format as the examples. Descriptions of different key-value pairs are described below.
A sample request:
curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"radioType": "gsm",
"cellTowers": [{
"mobileCountryCode": 240,
"mobileNetworkCode": 1,
"locationAreaCode": 3012,
"cellId": 11950,
"signalStrength": -64
$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
$data = array(
"radioType" => "gsm",
"cellTowers" => array(
"mobileCountryCode" => 240,
"mobileNetworkCode" => 1,
"locationAreaCode" => 3012,
"cellId" => 11950,
"signalStrength" => -64
// Make request to server
$c = curl_init("$apiKey");
curl_setopt_array($c, array(
CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array('Content-Type: application/json'),
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($data)
$response = curl_exec($c);
if ($response === FALSE) {
// Decode result
$result = json_decode($response, true);
if (isset($result['location'])) {
print "Returned location: ".$result['location']['lat'].", ".$result['location']['lng'];
} else {
print "The following error occurred: ".$result['error']['message'];
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
import json
apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
data = {
"radioType": "gsm",
"cellTowers": [{
"mobileCountryCode": 240,
"mobileNetworkCode": 1,
"locationAreaCode": 3012,
"cellId": 11950,
"signalStrength": -64
headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json" }
conn = HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("POST", "/?key="+apiKey, json.dumps(data), headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
result = json.load(response)
if ("location" in result):
print(("Returned location: "+str(result['location']['lat'])+", "+str(result['location']['lng'])))
print(("The following error occurred: "+result['error']['message']))
var settings = {
"async": true,
"crossDomain": true,
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {},
"processData": false,
"data": "{\"key\": \"YOUR_API_KEY\",\"radioType\": \"gsm\",\"cellTowers\": [{\"mcc\": 240,\"mnc\": 1,\"lac\": 3012,\"cid\": 11950},\"signalStrength\": -64]}"
$.ajax(settings).done(function (response) {
Make sure to replace
with your own valid API key.
API Endpoint
API requests should use the following endpoint:
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
Combain Location API uses an API key as a request parameter to allow access to the API. You can register for a new free test key here.
Combain Location API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a the URL that looks like the following:
Best Practices
Avoid unnecessary requests – if you receive response 404: “notFound”, then the cell or wifi does not exist in our database. In that cas we suggest waiting at least 24h hours before trying the exact same query again. The database grows with around 3 million observations per day.
Avoid unnecessary costs – to avoid unnecessary costs, normally charged per successful request, you are allowed to cache the result from a successful request in your devices or on your own servers, for up to normally seven days. Check your license agreement for how long caching period you are allowed to have. Multi cell requests are hard to cache since neighboring cells and signal strength are never the same, and you will always get better quality of data if you request the API since locations and accuracy figures are continuously updated in the online database.
Avoid infinite loops – avoid unnecessary server load by making sure your code handles unsuccessful result from the Combain server without retrying the exact same request again.
Be flexible – never hardcode an URL to in any devices you ship to end-customers. The recommendation is that you setup your own subdomain that redirects to by using proper DNS settings or by using a relaying server. If you for some reason need to modify your requests to us, and you do not have access to the software in the shipped devices, you can then do that on your own server before sending the requests to us.
Improve accuracy – for best results, make sure you send all availible data, including neighboring cells and WiFis and Bluetooth beacons in same request. If the WiFi or Bluetooh fails, then the cell may serve as a fallback.
Request and Response
Request Parameters
Only the API key is required for a succesful post. Id and nr are both optional parameters.
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
key | true | string | The unique key for the account, received from Combain. |
id | false | string | A unique device id. Used for per-device plans and outlier filtering. Important to be truly unique for the account, otherwise requests may not receive correct position. Max 20 characters in length. |
nr | false | integer | Request number set by the device. First request should have 1 and then value should be increased by 1 for each request. Helps to identify correct response to a request if a delay in network or lookup. |
Request Body
Depending on your devices capabilities and use case you can select to send many different types of sensor data and settings. If your device has GPS it's advised to always include it.
Positioning Information
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
cellTowers | false | array | An array of all cell towers. There is no limit on the number of towers, send as many as possible. |
wifiAccessPoints | false | array | An array of wifi access points (APs). There is no limit on the number of APs, send as many as possible. |
bluetoothBeacons | false | array | An array of bluetooth beacons. There is no limit on the number of beacons, send as many as possible. |
gps | false | array | Latest GPS information. Improves positioning requests with latest GPS position, for example indoor where latest GPS position is normally at the door of the building. If GPS position is older than 600s, it does not add any value and should be omitted. GPS object is also used for contributing to database if age=0 and there is at least one cell or one wifi included. Contributions are not calculated as successful requests. |
fallbacks | false | object | Fallback solutions. The request will check different fallback solutions to create a position if none of the submitted cells or wifis are found. These parameters should be used with care since it could potentially return wrong coordinates. |
Advanced Positioning Information
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Default | Description |
sensors | false | array | An array of sensor parameters to improve positioning accuracy. |
Address Information
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Default | Description |
geoname | false | integer | 0..1 | 0 | Request name of location. Disregarded if omitted or 0. If set to 1, the city, country and country code information will be returned in the geoname parameter array in the response. |
address | false | integer | 0..1 | Depending on key setting | If set to 1 a reverse geocode lookup will be made on the calculated location. If successful the address information will be returned in the response. A successful response will count as an extra request. |
indoor | false | integer | 0..1 | Depending on key setting | Ask for indoor information in the response. If information is found and provided it will be counted as an extra request. |
Settings and Filters
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Default | Description |
lastLocation | false | object | A previously known location to be used for speed filtering. | ||
credits | false | integer | 0..1 | 0 | Request number of credits left for prepaid keys. Disregarded if omitted or 0. If set to 1, the number of credits will be returned in the credit parameter in the response. |
state | false | string | A state parameter that was returned in last request for the specific device id. Improves indoor positioning and enables speed filter that can be set on the key to avoid large errors. | ||
speedLimit | false | decimal | Depending on key setting | Override speedLimit set on the key to the provided value (m/s). |
Fallback Parameters
These parameters should be used with care since it could potentially return wrong coordinates. Associative array with values 1 for on and 0 for off. Parameters for turning individual fallbacks on or off:
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
all | false | integer | 0..1 | Enable/disable all fallbacks for this request. (This does not include cidxf which has to be activated manually.). |
w4f | false | integer | 0..1 | Used to support mobile units only able to read a 4 CID Hex digits of a WCDMA CID (normally 8 CID Hex digits). Search the CID but just compare the 4 less significant hex digits. |
lacf | false | integer | 0..1 | If the CID is not found, return the center and accuracy for the LAC. |
nbcidf | false | integer | 0..1 | Neighbouring CID. If the cells is not found, it will search for a slightly similar CID. |
rncidf | false | integer | 0..1 | If the cell is not found, search with MCC, MNC, RNCID (first part of CellId). |
mncf | false | integer | 0..1 | If the MNC is not found, search for just MCC, LAC and CID. |
ratf | falase | integer | 0..1 | If the cell is not found search different radio types. |
cidf | false | integer | 0..1 | If the cell is not found, search with just MCC, MNC, CID. |
Successful Response
The request returns a JSON like this:
"accuracy": 500,
"location": {
"lat": 59.331706,
"lng": 18.079073
"logId": 1237798
"accuracy": 500,
"location": {
"lat": 59.331706,
"lng": 18.079073
"logId": 1237798
"accuracy": 500,
"location": {
"lat": 59.331706,
"lng": 18.079073
"logId": 1237798
"accuracy": 500,
"location": {
"lat": 59.331706,
"lng": 18.079073
"logId": 1237798
If (indoors or speed filter is set on the key) and (an id is set), a state variable is returned. Include this state variable in next request to improve accuracy and enable speed filter.
A successful geolocation request will return a JSON-formatted response defining a location and radius.
Parameter | Type | Description |
location | array | Array of the estimated location. See below for details. |
accuracy | integer | The accuracy is the estimated median error in meters, i.e. the radius in a circle with 50% confidence level. |
heading | decimal | Heading for GPS location if available |
altitude | decimal | Altitude for GPS location if available |
speed | decimal | Speed for GPS location if available (m/s). |
calculatedSpeed | integer | Calculated speed between this and previous location (m/s). |
geoname | array | If geoname is set in the request the geoname object will be returned if available. See below for details. |
indoor | array | If indoor is set in the request the indoor object will be returned if available. See below for details. |
address | array | If address is set in the request the address object will be returned if available. See the Reverse Geocoding for example of possible address fields. |
fallback | string | If this field is included no direct match was found. It shows which fallback was used to generate the response. |
state | string | If this field is included, it should preferably be used in next request for the specific device. The parameter includes positioning history that enhances indoor positioning performance and enables speed filter. |
logId | integer | A logId of the request that could be used for debugging purposes. Requests are stored for maximum 7 days currently and can be downloaded in portal. |
The location object contains the following fields.
Parameter | Type | Description |
lat | decimal | The latitude of the estimated location. |
lng | decimal | The longitude of the estimated location. |
The geoname object can contain the following fields.
Parameter | Type | Description |
town | string | Town of the location. |
country | string | Country of the location. |
country_code | string | Country code of the location according to ISO 3166. |
The indoor object can contain the following fields.
Parameter | Type | Description |
buildingModelId | integer | The ID of the building model used to calculate the location. |
buildingId | integer | The ID of the building that the used building model belongs to. |
building | string | The name of the building that the used building model belongs to. |
floorIndex | integer | The index of the calculated floor if available. 0 means ground level. |
floorLabel | string | The name of the calculated floor if available. |
room | string | The name of the calculated room if available. |
An example of a cell not found error:
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "geolocation",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
"logId": 1247985
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "geolocation",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
"logId": 1247985
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "geolocation",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
"logId": 1247985
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "geolocation",
"reason": "notFound",
"message": "Not Found"
"code": 404,
"message": "Not Found"
"logId": 1247985
In the case of an error, a standard format error response body will be returned and the HTTP status code will be set to an error status.
The response contains an object with a single error object:
Parameter | Type | Description |
error | array | Error element. |
errors | arrray | All the errors that occurred. |
domain | string | The domain of this error. |
reason | string | The type of error. |
message | string | The message for this error. |
code | integer | Error code. 400 = Parse Error / Invalid key. 403 = Out of credits. 404 = Not found / Speed Filter |
message | string | The error message. |
logId | integer | A logId of the request that could be used for debugging purposes. Requests are stored for maximum 7 days currently and can be downloaded in portal. |
Cell Parameters
GSM cells (2G, GSM, EDGE, GPRS)
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | gsm | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Network Code (MNC). |
locationAreaCode | true | integer | 0..65535 | The Location Area Code (LAC). |
cellId | true | integer | 0..65535 | The Cell ID (CID). |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -120--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
timingAdvance | recommended | integer | 0..63 | The timing advance value for this cell tower when available. |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
CDMA cells (CDMA, 1xRTT, EVDO)
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | cdma | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | false | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..32767 | The SystemID (SID). |
locationAreaCode | recommended | integer | 0..65535 | The Network ID (NID). |
cellId | true | integer | 0..65535 | The Basestation ID (BID). |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -120--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | wcdma | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Network Code (MNC). |
locationAreaCode | recommended | integer | 0..65535 | The Location Area Code (LAC). |
cellId | true | integer | 0..268435455 | The Cell ID (CID). Required at least once in a request including neighbouring cells. |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -130--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
primaryScramblingCode | recommended | integer | 0..511 | The primary scrambling code for WCDMA and physical CellId for LTE. |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
LTE cells (4G, LTE, CAT-M1, CAT-M2, LTE-M)
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | lte | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Network Code (MNC). |
locationAreaCode | recommended | integer | 0..65535 | The Location Area Code (LAC). |
cellId | true | integer | 0..268435455 | The Cell ID (CID). Required at least once in a request including neighbouring cells. |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -140--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
primaryScramblingCode | recommended | integer | 0..511 | The primary scrambling code for WCDMA and physical CellId for LTE. |
timingAdvance | recommended | integer | 0..1282 | The timing advance value for this cell tower when available in units of 16Ts (see 3GPP TS 36.213 Section 4.2.3). |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
NB-IoT cells (NB-IoT, CAT-NB1, CAT-NB2)
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | nbiot | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Network Code (MNC). |
locationAreaCode | recommended | integer | 0..65535 | The Location Area Code (LAC). |
cellId | true | integer | 0..268435455 | The Cell ID (CID). Required at least once in a request including neighbouring cells. |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -140--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
primaryScramblingCode | recommended | integer | 0..511 | The primary scrambling code for WCDMA and physical CellId for LTE. |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
NR cells (5G, New Radio)
A sample request for positioning with NR (5G):
curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"radioType": "nr",
"cellTowers": [{
"mobileCountryCode": 240,
"mobileNetworkCode": 1,
"locationAreaCode": 77,
"cellId": 2147483647
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
radioType | recommended | string | nr | The radio type of this cell tower. Can also be put directly in root JSON element if all cellTowers have same radioType. |
mobileCountryCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Country Code (MCC). |
mobileNetworkCode | true | integer | 0..999 | The Mobile Network Code (MNC). |
locationAreaCode | recommended | integer | 0..65535 | The Location Area Code (LAC). |
cellId/newRadioCellId | true | integer | 0..68719476735 | The Cell ID (CID). Required at least once in a request including neighbouring cells. |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -140--25 | The measured signal strength for this cell tower in dBm. |
primaryScramblingCode | recommended | integer | 0..1023 | The primary scrambling code for WCDMA and physical CellId for LTE. |
timingAdvance | recommended | integer | 0..3938304 | The timing advance value for this cell tower when available in units of Tc (see 3GPP TS 38.213 Section 4.2). |
serving | false | integer | 0..1 | Specify with 0/1 if the cell is serving or not. If not specified, the first cell in the array is assumed to be serving. |
WiFi and Bluetooth Parameters
WiFi Parameters
NOTE: For privacy issues, at least 2 wifi access points must be submitted in a query to get a location.
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
macAddress | true | string | The mac address also called BSSID of the Wifi router. | |
ssid | recommended | string | The SSID of the Wifi router. | |
ssidHex | recommended | string | The SSID of the Wifi network in a hex string format. Each byte of the SSID is represented by two HEX characters. | |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -100--20 | The measured signal strength for the access point in dBm. |
frequency | false | integer | The frequency of the WiFi access point in MHz. Improves indoor location accuracy. | |
channel | false | integer | The channel measured of the WiFi access point. | |
age | false | string | Time ago the measurement was made in ms. |
Bluetooth Parameters
A sample request for positioning with iBeacon UUID, major and minor:
curl "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"bluetoothBeacons": [
"uuid": "E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060-D0F5A71096E0",
"major": 253,
"minor": 7435,
"signalStrength": -80
"uuid": "E2C56DB5-DFFB-48D2-B060-D0F5A71096E0",
"major": 253,
"minor": 7438,
"signalStrength": -80
There are 2 ways to identify Bluetooth beacons for positioning: macAddress or for iBeacons: UUID,major,minor
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
macAddress | true | string | The mac address of the Bluetooth beacon. | |
name | recommended | string | The name of the Bluetooth beacon. | |
signalStrength | recommended | integer | -100--20 | The measured signal strength for the bluetooth beacon in dBm. |
age | false | string | Time ago the measurement was made in ms. | |
uuid | false | string | The uuid identifier of the beacon if iBeacon. | |
major | false | integer | 0..65535 | The major identifier of the beacon if iBeacon. |
minor | false | integer | 0..65535 | The minor idenifier of the beacon if iBeacon. |
GPS and Sensor Parameters
GPS Parameters
Latest GPS information if available. Improves positioning requests with latest GPS position, for example indoor where latest GPS position is normally at the door of the building. If GPS position is older than 600s, it does not add any value and should be omitted. GPS object is also used for contributing to database if age=0 and there is at least one cell or one wifi included. Contributions are not calculated as succesful requests. Note: To be able to contribute for credits your data has to be qualified. Contact to be a qualified data provider and receive free credits.
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
latitude | true | decimal | -90..90 | The GPS latitude. |
longitude | true | decimal | -180..180 | The GPS longitude |
accuracy | true | integer | 0..255 | The GPS accuracy (horizontal, CEP = 50%) in meters. |
sat | recommended | integer | 0..20 | The number of satellites seen in the measurement. |
age | recommended | integer | 0..600 | The age of the GPS location (in seconds). |
altitude | recommended | integer | -1000..10000 | The altitude of the GPS location. |
altitudeAccuracy | false | integer | 0..100 | The accuracy of the altitude in meters for the GPS location. |
heading | recommended | integer | 0..360 | The direction (bearing) of movement for the GPS location in degrees. |
speed | recommended | integer | 0..100 | The speed of the GPS location in m/s. |
LastLocation Parameters
Used to send a previously known location of the devices to be used for speed filtering.
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
lat | true | decimal | -90..90 | The last known latitude. |
lng | true | decimal | -180..180 | The last known longitude |
accuracy | true | integer | 0..255 | The accuracy of last known location in meters. |
timestamp | true | integer/string | timestamp/date | Unix timestamp or date in RFC3339/ISO8601 format for example "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" . |
Sensor Parameters
These parameters are only used in indoor positioning mode with continuous tracking mode (max every 5s). Contact Combain support for details.
Parameter | Required | Type | Values | Description |
pressure | false | integer | The ambient air pressure in hPa or mbar. Normally 1013 at sea level. | |
steps | false | integer | The number of steps since last request. For best performance use effective number of steps (=distance). Thus if going 4 steps straight and then 3 steps to the right, the effective number of steps are 5. | |
heading | false | integer | 0..359 | The heading of the movement in degrees. |
activity | false | string | The detected activity in an Android device. Valid values are IN_VEHICLE, ON_BICYCLE, ON_FOOT, RUNNING, STILL, TILTING, UNKNOWN and WALKING. |
Reverse Geocoding
API endpoint
A sample request:
curl ""
$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
// Make request to server
$c = curl_init("$apiKey&lat=55.717569&lon=13.213676");
curl_setopt_array($c, array(
$response = curl_exec($c);
if ($response === FALSE) {
// Decode result
var_dump(json_decode($response, true));
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
import json
apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
conn = HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/reverse?key="+apiKey+"&lat=55.717569&lon=13.213676")
response = conn.getresponse()
result = json.load(response)
function (data){
Make sure to replace
with your own valid API key.
API requests should use the following endpoint:
Method: GET
Combain Reverse Geocoding API uses an API key as a request parameter to allow access to the API. You can register for a new free test key here.
Combain Reverse Geocoding API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a the url that looks like the following:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
key | true | string | The unique key for the account, received from Combain. |
lat | true | decimal | The latitude value in WGS-84 format specifying the location for which you wish to obtain the closest, human-readable address. |
lon | true | decimal | The longitude value in WGS-84 format specifying the location for which you wish to obtain the closest, human-readable address. |
zoom | false | integer | The level of detail. Zoom value lies between 0-18, where 0 is country and 18 is house/building, default: 18. |
Successful Response
The above request returns a JSON structure like this:
"address": {
"building": "Ideon Gateway",
"city_block": "Stockholmsledet",
"city_district": "Norr",
"country": "Sverige",
"country_code": "se",
"county": "Skåne län",
"house_number": "27",
"municipality": "Lunds kommun",
"neighbourhood": "Ideon Pålsjö",
"postcode": "22370",
"road": "Scheelevägen",
"state": "Götaland",
"town": "Lund"
"address": {
"building": "Ideon Gateway",
"city_block": "Stockholmsledet",
"city_district": "Norr",
"country": "Sverige",
"country_code": "se",
"county": "Skåne län",
"house_number": "27",
"municipality": "Lunds kommun",
"neighbourhood": "Ideon Pålsjö",
"postcode": "22370",
"road": "Scheelevägen",
"state": "Götaland",
"town": "Lund"
"address": {
"building": "Ideon Gateway",
"city_block": "Stockholmsledet",
"city_district": "Norr",
"country": "Sverige",
"country_code": "se",
"county": "Skåne län",
"house_number": "27",
"municipality": "Lunds kommun",
"neighbourhood": "Ideon Pålsjö",
"postcode": "22370",
"road": "Scheelevägen",
"state": "Götaland",
"town": "Lund"
"address": {
"building": "Ideon Gateway",
"city_block": "Stockholmsledet",
"city_district": "Norr",
"country": "Sverige",
"country_code": "se",
"county": "Skåne län",
"house_number": "27",
"municipality": "Lunds kommun",
"neighbourhood": "Ideon Pålsjö",
"postcode": "22370",
"road": "Scheelevägen",
"state": "Götaland",
"town": "Lund"
A successful geolocation request will return a JSON-formatted response defining the address at the location.
Forward Geocoding
API endpoint
A sample request:
curl ""
$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
// Make request to server
$c = curl_init("$apiKey&q=Ideon%2CGateway");
curl_setopt_array($c, array(
$response = curl_exec($c);
if ($response === FALSE) {
// Decode result
var_dump(json_decode($response, true));
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
import json
apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
conn = HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/search?key="+apiKey+"&q=Ideon%2CGateway")
response = conn.getresponse()
result = json.load(response)
function (data){
Make sure to replace
with your own valid API key.
API requests should use the following endpoint:
Method: GET
Combain Forward Geocoding API uses an API key as a request parameter to allow access to the API. You can register for a new free test key here.
Combain Forward Geocoding API expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a the url that looks like the following:
Request Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
key | true | string | The unique key for the account, received from Combain. |
q | true | string | The search string. |
Successful Response
The above request returns a JSON structure like this:
"boundingbox": [
"category": "building",
"display_name": "Ideon Gateway, 27, Scheelevägen, Ideon Pålsjö, Norr, Lund, Lunds kommun, Skåne län, 22370, Sverige",
"importance": 0.353150759043076,
"lat": "55.717575350000004",
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
"lon": "13.21384294598949",
"osm_id": 154029218,
"osm_type": "way",
"place_id": 137767568,
"place_rank": 30,
"type": "office"
"boundingbox": [
"category": "building",
"display_name": "Ideon Gateway, 27, Scheelevägen, Ideon Pålsjö, Norr, Lund, Lunds kommun, Skåne län, 22370, Sverige",
"importance": 0.353150759043076,
"lat": "55.717575350000004",
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
"lon": "13.21384294598949",
"osm_id": 154029218,
"osm_type": "way",
"place_id": 137767568,
"place_rank": 30,
"type": "office"
"boundingbox": [
"category": "building",
"display_name": "Ideon Gateway, 27, Scheelevägen, Ideon Pålsjö, Norr, Lund, Lunds kommun, Skåne län, 22370, Sverige",
"importance": 0.353150759043076,
"lat": "55.717575350000004",
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
"lon": "13.21384294598949",
"osm_id": 154029218,
"osm_type": "way",
"place_id": 137767568,
"place_rank": 30,
"type": "office"
"boundingbox": [
"category": "building",
"display_name": "Ideon Gateway, 27, Scheelevägen, Ideon Pålsjö, Norr, Lund, Lunds kommun, Skåne län, 22370, Sverige",
"importance": 0.353150759043076,
"lat": "55.717575350000004",
"licence": "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.",
"lon": "13.21384294598949",
"osm_id": 154029218,
"osm_type": "way",
"place_id": 137767568,
"place_rank": 30,
"type": "office"
A successful geolocation request will return a JSON-formatted response defining the address at the location.
Error Codes
The Combain APIs uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. Parse error or invalid key. |
403 | Forbidden -- Out of credits! Buy more. |
404 | Not Found -- The location could not be found. |
500 | Internal Server Error -- What did you do!? |
In the case of an error, a standard format error response body will be returned and the HTTP status code will be set to an error status.
The response contains an object with a single error object:
Parameter | Type | Description |
error | array | Error element. |
errors | arrray | All the errors that occurred. |
domain | string | The domain of this error. |
reason | string | The type of error. |
message | string | The message for this error. |
code | integer | Error code. 400 = Parse Error / Invalid key. 403 = Out of credits. 404 = Not found. |
message | string | The error message. |
logId | integer | A logId of the request that could be used for debugging purposes. Requests are stored for maximum 7 days currently and can be downloaded in portal. |
Version history
Version | Date | Description |
2.3.8 | 2025-02-04 | Algorithm updates and performance improvements. |
2.3.7 | 2025-01-17 | Algorithm updates and bug fixes. |
2.3.6 | 2024-12-16 | Algorithm updates. |
2.3.5 | 2024-11-19 | Support for AI Outdoor. |
2.3.4 | 2024-08-27 | Bug fixes and algorithm updates. |
2.3.3 | 2024-06-25 | Bug fixes. |
2.3.2 | 2024-05-10 | Document structure changes and examples updates |
2.3.1 | 2024-04-02 | Algorithm updates. |
2.3.0 | 2024-02-22 | Algorithm updates. |
2.2.9 | 2024-02-07 | Improved speed filter algorithms. |
2.2.8 | 2023-12-11 | Improved algorithms and syncing for OnPrem location servers. |
2.2.7 | 2023-11-20 | Improved algorithms and added support for NB-IOT and NR for original API format. |
2.2.6 | 2023-01-31 | Improved cell fallbacks and added support for newRadioCellId. |
2.2.5 | 2022-11-21 | Improved indoor building selection algorithms. |
2.2.4 | 2022-11-11 | Added lastLocation and improved indoor algorithms. |
2.2.3 | 2022-09-13 | Added forward geocoding, indoor and address parameters. |
2.2.2 | 2022-08-23 | Key handling fixes, improved server status, added calculatedSpeed to response and using speedFilter on GPS. |
2.2.1 | 2022-06-22 | Lookup TPS optimization, added reporting of server status. |
2.2.0 | 2022-05-05 | Syncing and logging optimization. |
2.1.9 | 2022-03-28 | Do not return floor as -99 (unknown). |
2.1.8 | 2022-03-02 | Added location source, logging updates and improved error handling. |
2.1.7 | 2022-03-02 | Added location sources. |
2.1.6 | 2022-02-24 | Performance, speed filter, fallback and location source updates. |
2.1.3 | 2021-09-28 | Minor updates and bug fixes |
2.1.2 | 2021-08-18 | Internal release |
2.1.1 | 2021-04-14 | Internal release |
2.1.0 | 2021-01-15 | Added iBeacon location support |
2.0.9 | 2021-01-04 | Default country check for cell id lookups |
2.0.8 | 2020-12-07 | Added NR(5G) and NB-IoT support |